Dynamic music IP for the digital era

Music Protocol is a sovereign blockchain for distributing verifiable, programmable music IP across the Internet.

As the music industry continuously adapts to technological advancements in creation and distribution, the management of music IP has remained tied to archaic practices. Music Protocol introduces a new foundational infrastructure designed to modernise IP management, ownership, and licensing, thereby enhancing the efficiency of distribution and revenue-generation processes.

Technology architecture

We are building an interactive infrastructure for music that reflects our interconnected world. We believe the future of music intellectual property is dynamic and ever-evolving, much like the digital mediums it interacts with. By embracing advanced technologies, Music Protocol opens up new avenues for immersive experiences, fan engagement, and financial growth. We are progressing the rights landscape by introducing an IP Management Protocol to transform the industry's foundational infrastructure.

IP core asset library

Music Protocol focuses on crafting flexible, modular IP assets that can encompass any aspects of IP in the music industry, from specific attributes to comprehensive licences.The architecture uses two key elements: the IP Core, which records intellectual property identity with immutable information, and limitless attributes that can be combined to add any property to the IP Core, such as creating a licensing contract or notarising aspects of intellectual property.

IP licencing core engine

The IP Licencing Core Engine is an advanced toolkit that enables our ecosystem to build direct data connections between the Music Protocol and the various applications that need music IP. This integration ensures the simplified management and usage of IP rights across many platforms and projects.

IP settlement gateway

Music Protocol is designed to simplify the intricate world of music. We can facilitate more efficient transactions and a unified management framework by linking directly with content distributors and financial and licensing activities.

IP inter-chain distribution gateway

Music Protocol is a modular ecosystem built for seamless integration across all blockchains. This design promotes the unrestricted exchange of music assets and transactions across various blockchain environments, enhancing music IP’s accessibility and functionality.

Product applications

  • We transform music IP properties into tradable assets, opening up new investment opportunities and enhancing liquidity within the industry.

  • We focus on the requirements for the meticulous licensing needed to recognise IP rights in AI data training and engagement.

  • By adopting NFT digital licenses, we address the unverified circulation of digital music files intended for private use. This provides definitive ownership verification, facilitating lawful usage across physical and digital spaces.

  • We simplify the licensing process to allow multiple counterparties to access synchronisation licensing, creating a new revenue stream to find the ideal track for advertisements, film, TV or videos with our, making the sync process more efficient.

  • We enable users to select music that elevates these experiences, with NFT- based digital tracking ensuring compliance and rights management.

  • We protect revenues, improve rights holders' profitability, and address the widespread fraud in live events.